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And So It Begins

On Wednesday evening I had a meeting with CJ. It went well and for the first time in a long time, things seem to be feeling very professional.

During our meeting we discussed the creation and possibilities of this Depression Docudrama - which by the way now has a working title; Wrong.

I'm very excited to be able to have so much creative potential. My only fear is that we won't have the means to pull everything off. We may have the creative power, we may even have willing volunteers, but that doesn't guarantee funds or production quality.

I really want this to go well. It's an important subject and it's close to my heart.

My concern with myself is that I may go a little OTT with everything and I may need to be reigned in. But if CJ is happy with what I give to him then I'd might as well go mad with power. After all, it's CJ who's the Exec. Producer, so the pressure to make this good is on him, not me.

Nah! It is on me. I'm just trying to lighten the fear and stress whilst writing this blog post late at night. Well... 1:20 in the morning. Is that late or early? Maybe both? I don't know. Who cares? I'll probably schedule this for release during the afternoon anyway. It'll be a lie to myself that I live and work by normal people hours. But I digress.

The point is, it's dawning on me how serious this all is. It's no longer some simple college production. This is the big time for us. It might not be revolutionary or a blockbuster film, but this is huge by comparison to what we're used to.

However, back to the meeting!

During our meeting, CJ pointed out to me that he was developing branding for himself and suggested that it'd be good if I did the same. For the benefit of both myself and the film.

And thusly I present to you the most crude attempt at a brand logo you will ever see...


It's nothing special - obviously - but I like to think it marks an important step in my personal career towards maturity.

And I think that's everything for now. No more big news or developments that spring to mind. But I appreciate you taking the time to read this. It's a good way to clear my head and get my thoughts about the production and myself out there.

So, yeah...

I'll see you in the next update.

- Dan.

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