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Return of the Depression Doc

So, remember like a year and a half ago when I was beginning research for a depression documentary? Then remember how it died off without any warning? Yeah...

Well, good news! I'm back on it!

It stopped in the first place for several reasons; ironically one of which was depression, but that's neither here nor there. However, I was contacted recently by friend and colleague, Calum Johnston (CJ) of Osgood Films. He expressed to me great interest in further developing and producing my original idea. So, of course, I jumped at the chance.

CJ and I have worked together several times, throughout college and since, creating a good working relationship. Thus it is for this reason that I am pleased to announce my return to the development of this documentary. I am thrilled that Osgood Films is taking the helm and pushing this project to it's fullest potential, as I know that CJ will do everything within his power to ensure that we create a great video to discuss this sensitive yet important subject.

As for myself, I shall be writing and directing.

The project is obviously still in the very early days and, no doubt, we will face many obstacles along the way. Though, I am happy to be working on this again as I feel that I am now, personally, in a better place to work productively than I was at the time of the original concept.

So, if you are interested in following the creation of this project, make sure to check back here now and again to see how we have progressed. (I promise I'll actually put something here and not go silent for months. ...probably.)

And finally, if you are at all interested in helping us to create this documentary - be it acting or working behind the camera - please feel free to get in contact with either myself or Calum.

Especially if you're a producer. We need all that money.

Thanks for taking an interest!

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